Academic Partner

The foundation stone of UAF was laid in 1906 with the name of Punjab Agricultural College and Research Institute, Lyallpur which was upgraded as the West Pakistan Agricultural University, Lyallpur in 1961 and now the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad since 1973. In the 21st century, UAF will push across the frontiers of knowledge to create, in service to the public, unique interdisciplinary programs of teaching, research, and outreach essential for agricultural and rural development. UAF will become an exemplar of a university that prepares citizens as work force and for leadership in a diverse, global and technology-driven environment.


For a knowledge-based economy, the university becomes a key element of innovation systems both as a creator of new knowledge and ideas based on research, and as a provider of human capital. The purpose of the Vision 2030 Strategic Framework is to articulate an action plan that defines a path to elevate UAF’s position as one of the internationally recognized research universities and a gateway to knowledge for agricultural and rural development in Pakistan. It provides the overarching themes for more detailed plans that will be based on imperatives current for the time and that will shape strategic thinking during the respective planning cycles in the future years.

Academic Partner

Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)


Academic Partner

University of Mysore,


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iConferences is specialized in organizing international conferences par excellence in various disciplines and providing publication opportunities with conference proceedings and in reputed journals. Collaborating with many eminent institutions, we have delivered many successful international conferences that were highly potent in endowing the research community and industries with recognition. The networking was brought forth among academics, professionals, and enthusiasts during the conferences, which is undoubtedly capable of initiating dynamic relationships that will contribute to advancements in the relevant fields globally. Thereby we have been highly effective in supporting and encouraging future research, providing valuable publication opportunities, and inspiring innovations.