Scientific Committee – Agro Food 2025

Dr. Esther Gracia-Cela

Senior Lecturer in Apply Mycology, School of Life and Medical Sciences University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Dr. Norhidayah Suleiman

Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Food Science and Technology

University Putra Malaysia

Dr. Ir. Herdhata Agusta

Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia

Dr. Samir AL-Badri

College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq

Dr. Alessandra Marcon Gasperini

Faculty of Health Sciences – Dept. of Food Sciences and Nutrition University of Malta

Agriculture Conference, Malaysia

Dr. Noor Hadzuin Nik Hadzir

Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Food Science and Technology University Putra Malaysia

Dr. Prayong Udomworaparnt

Faculty of Agriculture Ubon Ratchathani University, Thailand

AgroFood 2023

Asst. Prof. CHOW Pei Yong Edwin

National University of Singapore, Singapore

Agriculture Conference 2023 - Thailand

Dr. Srihunsa Malichan

Department of Plant Pathology,

Faculty of Agriculture Kasetsart University, Thailand

AgroFood 2023

Dr. Zienab Ahmed

Department of Integrative Agriculture, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine United Arab Emirates University

Dr. Masni Mat Yusoff

Department of Food Technology,

Faculty of Food Science and Technology, University Putra Malaysia

Agriculture conference, cyprus

Dr. Maria Aspri

Department of Agricultural Sciences,

Biotechnology and Food Science Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus


Dr. Giuseppe Pulighe

CREA Research Centre for Policies and Bioeconomy, Rome, Italy

Dr. Wanvisa Siriwan

Department of Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture Kasetsart University, Thailand

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nor Khaizura Mahmud

Department of Food Science, Faculty of Food Science and Technology University Putra Malaysia

Prof. Dr. Edi Santosa

Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia

Dr. Maya Melati

Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia

Dr. Fernando Rubio Lopez 

University of Hertfordshire, UK

Dr. Ruma Bhattacharyya

Department of Food Science & Technology

Assam Agricultural University, India

Dr. Tee Tuan Poy

Faculty of Agriculture

Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

Dr. Monisha Borah

Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management

Assam Agricultural University, India

Dr. Madhumita Barooah

Department of Food Science & Technology

Assam Agricultural University, India

Dr Neha Babbar

Punjab Agricultural University, India

Prof Marina Venturini Copetti

Department of Food Science and Technology,

Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil

Assoc. Prof. Fatiha Hakimi

Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine
Rabat, Morocco

Join the Agriculture Conference (AgroFood 2025) on 06th – 07th August 2025, Online to meet, listen and discuss with field experts on the same online platform. Agriculture Conference scientific committee consists of a number of experts from around the world, who will be assisting to maintain a double-blind peer review process. If you feel that you have the perfect qualifications to be a part of the Scientific Committee of the 6th International Conference on Agriculture, Food Security and Safety (AgroFood 2025), please write us at with your completed CV.